When it comes to handbags, designer styles have a special place in fashion lovers’ hearts. Whether worn to a night out, as an accessory for work or school, or simply to show off, these purses aren’t just functional; they’re often considered status symbols that carry the prestige of their designer names. These bags are often more expensive than their non-designer counterparts, but their quality ensures that they look good for years to come and may even serve as heirlooms for future generations.
For those who want to add a designer bag to their collection but aren’t ready to make a big investment, there are a few ways to find an affordable option. For instance, Belk has partnered with What Goes Around Comes Around to offer pre-owned bags at a fraction of their retail price. Upon browsing the website, shoppers can view color options, photos, reviews, and the estimated retail price versus the sale price of each bag.
If you’re interested in a new designer bag but don’t want to break the bank, consider purchasing one of these coveted styles from brands like Chanel and Louis Vuitton. Louis Vuitton was founded in 1854, and its iconic bag designs include the Keepall from 1930 and the Speedy from 1932. The label also paved the way for logomania with its monogram prints and continues to design bags that are still sought-after today.
Botkier says that the 2.55 silhouette from Chanel is a “fantastic classic that you’ll get your money’s worth, and it’ll be an heirloom if you want to pass it down.” For a more budget-friendly version, she suggests the Loewe Puzzle bag, which is boxy and roomy with a turnlock closure and studding. designer purses
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