Hair Transplant North Cyprus

Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting healthy hair follicles to the part of your scalp or face that has lost its natural thickness. After the operation, your new hair will grow at a normal rate for the rest of your life and will cover up the balding area.

Dr Tayfun Oguzoglu has been practicing in the field of hair restoration for 20 years. He has a wide range of experience with different hair transplant techniques and is considered one of the most accomplished doctors in this field. He is also a member of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, which is only granted to 200 selective surgeons around the world.

The best hair transplant north cyprus at Smile Hair Clinic is performed under local anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort during and after the procedure. The procedure is divided into three key phases. First, grafts are extracted using the manual punch FUE method or micromotor FUE technique. Then, they are sorted and prepared for implantation. Finally, the follicles are inserted into the balding areas through sapphire FUE technique, resulting in the most natural-looking results possible.

Cyprus is an ancient island in the Eastern Mediterranean, home to classical ruins, century-old monasteries, and beautiful beaches. It is also a popular destination for medical tourism because it has several private healthcare centers with cutting-edge technology and skilled doctors. The country’s thriving beauty and wellness industry has made it a top choice for cosmetic surgery, weight loss, fertility treatments, and hair restoration. hair transplant north cyprus

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